
How To Unban An Id

Ok what you all have to do is Compose a new mail

To :

Subject : RE: please Help!!!! << Here RE is Replying mail and its recommanded to type it

Message : "Paste the text below in the Message area"

How are you Sir , Yes I agree to adhere to your terms and conditions . Sir please restore my id please Sir my id is "YOUR USERNAME HERE" thank you. << You guys have no need to type the same stuff or copy paste you can type your own mail message here but important thing is dont forget to type " Yes I agree to adhere to your terms and conditions " Very Happy


Subject: RE: please Help!!!!
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2007 21:36:25 +1000 << Here you have to change the date from 10 Apr today to 31 Oct make it 20 Oct or less than 10 days from the day you are sending the mail


Thank you for your email.

Your mig33 account was banned as we received several complaints you were misbehaving in our chat rooms. This behavior is NOT acceptable and will not be tolerated. If you agree to adhere to our terms and conditions we will restore your account but if you continue to misbehave your mig33 accounts will be banned indefinitely.

If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to email us at or reply to this email.

Kind regards

The mig33 Team

Believe me , this trick really works i had unbanned many of my friends ids with this trick your id can be unban or activate in 1 to 2 days Very Happy Now days they are not replying because they are busy fixing mig33 or whenever they dont reply to your mails within a week it means they are busy fixing Mig33 or with other stuff. Two more thing which are important They are not unbanning special characters ids which contains "spaces", ! @ # $ % ^ & * ~ etc etc Second thing is after send the mail wait for the auto reply mail which comes in 20 to 30 seconds from Mig33 in which it says Your mail is recieved by Mig33 and thank you etc etc you guys try this trick and tell me if it works or not